

16. Apr. 2024
dominante dame | Erotiktipp

votze fotze, voyeur sex cam

I am your new PRINCESS. You will focus on me and only me. I give your pathetic life meaning. I dont care about you. I will own you and that pathetic worthless cock. You will stroke it on command. You will beg me to control your cock. If I so choose you will be allowed to jerk off in your own face or not be allowed to cum ever. You mean nothing to me but I mean the world to you.

Hobbies: Dance, photography and read .
Charakter: Dominant,Frech,Romantisch,Tabulos,Zuverlässig
Sexuelle-Vorlieben: Dominant, Fetisch, Lack und Leder, Outdoor, Rollenspiele, SM-Sex, Spanking, Swinger, Voyeurismus


OnlineZeiten: n/a
Alter: 33
Geschlecht: weiblich
Postleitzahl: xxxx
Nationalität: N/A
Ausrichtung: Hetero
Sternzeichen: Zwilling
Intimrasur: vollrasiert
Piercings: keins
Hautfarbe: weiss
Grösse: 170
Haarfarbe: brünett
Haarlänge: lang
Körbchengrösse: 80 C
Augenfarbe: braun

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